Horizontal Shaft Impactors

Horizontal Shaft Impactors

A Proven Workhorse!

Terex® Cedarapids Horizontal Shaft Impactors process a high tonnage of material, provide excellent control over particle shape and size and accept nearly any kind of material—including recycle feed. Durable construction and a patented quick-change wedge system keep them working efficiently for you day after day.


  • 1300 Series

    Max feed size determined by material hardness:
    Maximum recommended feed size is 34" (864 mm)

  • IP1516

    Max feed size determined by material hardness:
    Maximum recommended feed size is 34" (864 mm)

  • HSI4143

    Max feed size determined by material hardness:
    Maximum recommended feed size is 19 5/8" (500 mm)

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Mulawarman RT32 No.71
Sepinggan Raya, Balikpapan Selatan, Balikpapan 76115
Kalimantan Timur, Indonesia
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